Videos tagged 'Strengthen your Emunah'
A lack of Emunah can exacerbate addiction. When a person is missing meaning in life they tend to fill it with anything that feels like it gives them a reason to live, often resulting in unhealthy behaviors. A strong Emunah can motivate and empower us to fight addictive tendencies.
"I am a Jew because"
Are you proud of your Jewishness?
01 The Mystery of the Jews
This video will make you so proud to be a Jew, and gain a new appreciation for the great gift of the Torah that we have been given by G-d. Made by
01_Emuna Presentation, Part 1
These talks are a project of the Ani Maamin foundation which helps spread Emunah among today's youth in schools across the U.S. The talks were given by R' Avi Landa, a Mashgiach and psychotherapi...
02_Emuna Presentation Part 2 Q&A
These talks are a project of the Ani Maamin foundation which helps spread Emunah among today's youth in schools across the U.S. The talks were given by R' Avi Landa, a Mashgiach and psychotherapi...
03 Miracle of the Matzos
הנס של המצות
03 סיפורו של הדוגמן - אבישי כהן
If you know Hebrew, this video is one of the most inspirational you will ever see in your life. (If anyone wants to volunteer to translate subtitles for English, please write to
10 Sons of Haman
One of the clearest proofs of the truth of the Torah - and the open Ruach Hakodesh that the Megilla was written with. Absolutely amazing.
A Divine People
What did the wise non-Jews have to say about the peculiar Jewish people. Are we really G-d's chosen nation?
Are the Jewish People a Nation?
Many claim the Jews are not a nation, and therefore not entitled to a homeland.
Corona Near-Death-Experience
Mr. Moe Garson of Golders Green describes how doctors gave up hope on him, how he was judged in Heaven and miraculously recovered. What is considered the most important thing in Shamayim in a perso...
Development of a Baby
Can anyone watch this and not be moved to their core by the open miracle of life? מה רבו מעשיך ה! Think about the incredible power and potential of every sperm cell, and let's make sure to channe...
Hashem is with us in our darkest times
MUST WATCH: The Incredible Hashgacha Pratis Story That Saved A Man’s Life
Inner Life of the Cell
The complexity of the human body is so mind-boggling that it would take a human being more than a thousand years to just scratch the surface of understanding everything that goes on inside a single...
We never lose by staying true to our beliefs!
Invisible Universe Revealed - The Hubble Telescope
כי אראה שמיך מעשי אצבעתיך ירח וכוכבים אשר כוננתה. מה אנוש כי תזכרנו ובן אדם כי תפקדנו
Is There Life After This Life?
Prager University. You gotta love their common sense approach.
Jewish NDE (Near Death Experience)
Is there life after death? Is G-d real? Listen to this fascinating story from Rabbi Alon Anava about his NDE (Near Death Experience). From being completely secular, he turned 180 degrees just from ...
Khomeini and the Rabbi
Can Purim fall out on Chanukah? Watch this fascinating story told over by Rabbi Manis Freidman, to appreciate the value of standing proud in our traditions.
Life Science - Protein synthesis (Translation)
All of this is going on inside every one of the hundred trillion cells in our body. (If anyone isn't knocked off their chair by the infinite wisdom of life, they should probably release the seat-be...
Michael Savage Radio Show
"You've Got What They Want". How fortunate are we to be part of this holy people!
Pintale Yid
This man weeps as he puts on Teffilin for the first time in his life. How grateful should we be that we can do Mitzvos all the time!
Shabbos is Shabbos!
An amazing story.
The Complexity of the Quantum World
Higgs, Graviton, Weak Bosons, Photon, Gluon, Nuetron, Nuetrino, Proton, Electron, Up Quark, Electron
The Gezeira Has Passed
An amazing story involving the Rebbe of Lubavitch in the 1960s - a MUST SEE!
The Human DNA
After watching this, one can truly feel the words: ואני אשתחווה ואכרעה אברכה לפני ה' עושי - "And I bow down and prostrate myself and praise before the Lord Who made me".
The Immune System Explained I – Bacteria Infection
How can we watch this and not be simply mind-boggled by the INFINITE wisdom in the universe? If we would study it for 1,000 years, we would still not get to the bottom of truly understanding every...
The Jewish Algorithm
Beautiful insights from Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks on the uniqueness of being Jewish.
The NBA Player who guards his eyes
NBA Basketball Player Amar'e Stoudemire is in the process of converting to Judaism. He describes how learning Torah helps him learn self-control and guard his eyes and thoughts...
The Rimnitzer Rebbe
A story told over by the Bal Maasah himself, of a Mofes from the Rimnitzer Rebbe. Yes, there were Tzadikim who lived in our generation that had open Ruach Hakodesh!
The Scale of the Universe
How wondrous and infinite must be Hashem who created a universe of such infinite size differences and complexity. The human being is approximately as big as the entire universe in relation to the s...
The Seal of Truth (English Subtitles)
An emotional account by someone who was non-religious and experienced death, the after-life and his heavenly judgment, and how he was sent back down to earth and became a Ba'al Teshuvah. The video ...
True Faith
Does faith mean that if I follow G-d's will He'll guarantee me a good life?