Videos tagged 'GuardYourEyes Organizational Videos'
01 - GYE Boost Launch Promo
With pritzus all around us we can sometimes feel like we're drowning. Don't wait to go under, get help today with a short boost of inspiration each day! Sign up at
01 About GYE (Full)
This 8.45 min video describes how GuardYourEyes helps thousands of people around the world to break free from inappropriate materials and related behaviors. Watch the video to get a clear overview of all our tools, methods and services.
02 Rabanim speak about GYE and Shalom's personal story
R' Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, Rav Aharon Feldman, Rabbi/Dr. Avraham J. Twerski and Shalom's personal story.
03 GYE Video - Rabbanim and Shalom's personal story (blurred)
Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zweibel, Director of Agudath Israel of America - 40 seconds. Rabbi Aharon Feldman, Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah of America - 1 min. 45 sec. Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski, Internationally renowned Addiction Expert - 9 min 30 sec. Shalom (blurred) tells his personal story - 7 min 30 sec.
05 GYE Promotional Video
GYE needs YOUR help to extend, advertise and maintain our operation. With your help, we can reach every Jew in need.
08 Rabbi Twerski speaks about GuardYourEyes
Rabbi Twerski speaks about GuardYourEyes at a talk in Jerusalem (sponsored by "Yiboneh") in October 2016 about his new book "Teshuvah Through Recovery".
At the Shiva for Rabbi Twerski - older
Chaim Twerski speaks after the Levaya of his grandfather.
Board Meeting Dec 30, 2018
GYE's Annual Board Meeting 2018. A 45 minute presentation by the GYE team of our progress over the past year, and of the projects we are working on as we enter into 2019.
Bracha from Rabbi Twerski
Elul 2017
Dr David Pelcovitz talks about GYE at the Sinai Indaba in South Africa
Sinai Indaba has become the annual highlight of the South African Jewish calendar, an annual Torah convention that brings together South African Jews of every persuasion to celebrate, reaffirm and strengthen the strong moral vision and core values of our community.
Dr. David Pelcowitz
Professor of Education & Psychology, Yeshiva University
Dr. Dovid Lieberman
Dovid Lieberman, Ph.D., - Psychologist, noted speaker and award-winning author.
First public mention of GuardYourEyes - Sept 2009
Rabbi Dovid Heber of Baltimore mentions GYE at a kinus of hisorerus for men in Sept 2009, at 13:00 minutes.
GYE 2.0 Presentation in April 2021
Right Before Launch of pilot.
GYE Board Meeting 2016-17
GuardYourEyes has amazing plans for 2017! At our annual board meeting, Yaakov, Yechezkel and Mendy from the GYE Team, personally shared the progress of the past year and the exciting new plans for 2017. (We had the honor of being joined by Rabbi Shafier from
GYE Campaign Video 5780
Please donate here:
GYE Presentation 2018 (Full)
Are you a believer in the cause but don't really understand how Guard-Your-Eyes is helping and/or why they need to raise money? You won't regret taking the time to view this comprehensive 4 part presentation (less than half an hour) to get the FULL PICTURE. [Warning: Not for the faint of heart!]
GYE Presentation 2022 - 2023
Full Presentation (19 min)
GYE's Tools
An animated overview of the tools available on GYE.
His Final Mission
GYE's Tribute to Rabbi Twerski Zatzal - High Holiday Campaign 5782
Matzdikei Hador
Rav Aharon Feldman introduces GuardYourEyes at a talk at the 90th U.S Agudah Convention in Dec 2012.
Meaningful People Podcast - Sept 7, 2024
This episode is all about the pitfalls and temptations that come along with the internet, and what these 2 men created to save tens of thousands of Jewish souls.
Nischazek Event_GYE Hotline Launch Video
This video was shown at a Chizuk event for Bochurim in Manchester, April 2022