Videos tagged 'Abuse Prevention'
1-The Role of the Counselor in Keeping Camp Safe
This is the first clip in a 4 part series from to educate camp counselors about their role in keeping the camp safe. This series is an excellent educational tool for any young or older teen about the topic.
2-Boundaries for creating and maintaining healthy relationships
This is the second clip in a 4 part series from to educate camp counselors about their role in keeping the camp safe. This series is an excellent educational tool for any young or older teen about the topic.
3-How to identify unhealthy and harmful relationships
This is the third clip in a 4 part series from to educate camp counselors about their role in keeping the camp safe. This series is an excellent educational tool for any young or older teen about the topic.
4-Responding to boundary violations and harmful behavior
This is the fourth clip in a 4 part series from to educate camp counselors about their role in keeping the camp safe. This series is an excellent educational tool for any young or older teen about the topic.
This video can help us understanding the trauma that abuse victims live with their whole lives. If you experienced abuse, GET HELP TODAY. See
Dr. Shloimie Zimmerman
JCW Summer Safety Video for Kids - With Pattie Fitzgerald
How to speak to kids about personal safety and personal space.
Keeping Kids Safe
A great summary of the most important points you need to know to help keep your children safe this summer, in under 5 minutes! From Rabbi Yaakov Horowitz.
Keeping Secrets Is a Red Flag
An adult should NEVER tell a child to keep a secret from their parents. This is something that children must be taught.
Lets Eradicate this Magefah
Mendy Klein speaks from his heart at an event for
Meyer Seewald Weeps for Another Lost Life
Meyer Seewald, founder of in a moving plea to our community to change our approach and save lives before it's too late.
Rivka's Story and Message to Survivors: There's Hope
A woman who was abused as a youngster had the courage to come forward and tell her story to the world. Enough with the silence and sweeping it under the rug! Enough with the blaming of the victims! - A video from
SHATTERED: The sad reality of Sexual Abuse
A powerful (and disturbing) video from If you see signs that something fishy might be going on, don't sweep it under the rug. Down the line, it will cause much more damage that way.
Spousal Abuse & The Lubavitcher Rebbe
A shocking letter from the Lubavitcher Rebbe
Stranger Danger
Rabbi Yaakov Horowitz gives tips to parents on how to speak to children and protect them from abduction and abuse, r"l.