Videos tagged 'Dealing with Depression'
8th Day - Communicate!
This music video underscores the importance of sharing with others about your struggles, and not trying to go it alone. (Made possible with the help of NYS Office of Addiction Services and Supports - OASAS).
A Tale of Two Mothers
We all have times in our lives when we feel abandoned and alone. It's in times like these that we have to turn to Hashem and speak to Him. Hashem wants us to ask Him to help us feel His presence in our lives.
Are you ready to face your emotions?
Underlying anxiety is one of the most common causes for people to act-out, often leading to addiction. Learning to deal with anxiety can be a very useful tool in combating damaging lustful behaviors. Join Rabbi Shais Taub and Mike Rosenfeld to learn strategies and perspectives that can really help!
Broken and Fixed
We may all be somewhat broken, but it's after Yom Kippur now and Hashem has fixed us up. So what is more beautiful, a whole vessel or a vessel that has been broken and fixed? It all depends on your perspective.
Depression After Quitting
How to deal with the withdrawal symptoms of quitting lust and masturbation.
I had a black dog, his name was Depression
1 in 5 people suffer from depression. If you do too, get help!
If we feel rejected by those closest to us, this message can give us strength.
To This Day
We made it PAST our past, not matter how terrible it may have been, and no matter how bad the abuse we suffered was.
Well Done
WARNING: This video is guaranteed to make you cry. If you're going through a hard time physically or emotionally, or with the struggles with the Yetzer Hara, this video will give you strength. (To watch on Youtube: