Videos tagged 'Stop Me from Falling'
#06 Video - Using Powerful Techniques
A fellow once called me up that he was working with a young man who had an irrepressible desire for a particular woman, a married woman. He couldn't help it, he constantly would see her, wherever it may be, and he couldn't stop thinking about her. He couldn't get her out of his mind. He was a fru...
Free Lollies!
The Yetzer Hara makes it look so tempting it's almost impossible to say no. But don't fall for his evil tricks--it's all empty air! He is just looking to trap you and destroy you! A small clip from “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang” 1968 Children's Movie
Remember the End
Chazal say that if we are tempted by sin we should remind ourselves of the day of death...
Steve Jobs: When the curtain falls.
When unhealthy desire strikes, remember the day of death. One day, the curtain will fall on us all.
Tears of Love for Hashem
The Chosid, Rav Pinchas Rosenbaum Zatza"l, suffered from cancer for many years. This video was taken a few days before he was niftar. In the video he can be seen crying tears to the beautiful words of Shir Hashirim, knowing that his days were literally numbered. Imagine we knew we had only days ...
To Live and Die with Honor: The Story of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
Do you feel you are fighting against all odds for your very life? Don't go down without a furious fight.
Who do we choose to work for?
Who do we choose to work for, Hashem or the Satan? We get to choose. תחת אשר לא עבדת את ה' אלקיך בשמחה ובטוב לבב מרב כל, ועבדת את איביך אשר ישלחנו ה' בך ברעב ובצמא ובעירם ובחסר כל ונתן על ברזל על צוארך. (דברים כח' מז')