Videos tagged 'Dealing with SSA'
01 SSA Q&A Video 1/8
Why do I have SSA (Same Sex Attraction)?
02 SSA Q&A Video 2/8
How common is SSA? Am I alone?
03 SSA Q&A Video 3/8
Do I have to accept a Gay lifestyle? Is this who I am?
04 SSA Q&A Video 4/8
Is it possible to get rid of my SSA?
05 SSA Q&A Video 5/8
How can I get help without disclosing myself?
06 SSA Q&A Video 6/8
Is SSA something you can talk to others about? Can they understand?
07 SSA Q&A Video 7/8
Is it possible to develop an attraction to a woman if I've never had one?
08 SSA Q&A Video 8/8
I am married/dating and my wife/date knows nothing about my SSA. Do I need to say anything?
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #244
Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein explains why some people struggle with certain challenges and desires in life.
Homosexuality 101 - Dr. Julie Harren
A concise and to-the-point overview of how SSA develops and how it can be treated.
Jonah Video - Change IS Possible
The Jonah organization has since closed (due to lawsuits from the liberalists), but this powerful video shows that change is possible for those who want to overcome their SSA.