Videos tagged 'GYE Yiddish Videos'
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #338
WHO'S THE BOSS? The Yetzer Hara tries to convince us that he's running the show, but who is really holding the key?
The Rimnitzer Rebbe
A story told over by the Bal Maasah himself, of a Mofes from the Rimnitzer Rebbe. Yes, there were Tzadikim who lived in our generation that had open Ruach Hakodesh!
אל תטיפו לפרישות מזוייפת
In Yiddish - with Hebrew subtitles... About not being "overly pious" in the bedroom.
היטן מיינע אוייגן
A group of Chassidic boys on the way to Uman started davening and singing to Hashem to save them from seeing things they shouldn't on the way... Their song became this clip.
טאטי, ווען וועסט דו האבען צייט פאר מיר
A video in Yiddish with Hebrew subtitles.
כיצד לעורר את המודעות
What should parents and mechanchim tell children about Kedusha inyanim? (In Yiddish with Hebrew subtitles).