Videos tagged 'Inspirational Videos'
01 - GYE Boost Launch Promo
With pritzus all around us we can sometimes feel like we're drowning. Don't wait to go under, get help today with a short boost of inspiration each day! Sign up at
01 How Does A Homeless Man Spend $100
One of the most inspiring videos I've ever seen about focusing outward. "You're on a different path somehow in life... I can't explain it." - Homeless man.
04 Change Glasses
Do we see only ourselves?
Abraham in Training
Our challenges and hardships are what turn us into who we are meant to be.
Adam & Chava's First Nightfall on Planet Earth
No matter what has happened, there's always another chance.
Airforce One
It's not WHAT our job is that counts, it's our recognition of WHO GAVE US the job. When we work for a higher purpose, then whether you're the most powerful man in the world or the janitor who cleans the bathroom, all feel honored to serve. Whatever job Hashem has given us to do in this world, eve...
Anecdote about an Antidote
What's the best antidote to the Coronavirus?
Are you ready to win?
An edited excerpt from a song by Nissim Black about the struggle with the Yetzer Hara and the fight to enter the gates of kedusha.
Broken and Fixed
We may all be somewhat broken, but it's after Yom Kippur now and Hashem has fixed us up. So what is more beautiful, a whole vessel or a vessel that has been broken and fixed? It all depends on your perspective.
Y'all thought you had it hard? We all have what to learn from this precious neshama (may she rest in peace).
Chanukah - The Battle for Beauty
What was the ideological battle between the Greeks and the Jews regarding physical beauty? After all, even the Torah tells us how beautiful the Imahos were. Watch this inspiring video to understand how Judaism views beauty. From (Direct Link) .
Coming Clean
Try your best, and God takes you all the way. From (Direct Link) .
Cuz We All Fall
The fear of falling stops so many of us from even TRYING
Yes, the struggle is hard. But nothing stands in the way of determination. - A powerful video!
Development of a Baby
Can anyone watch this and not be moved to their core by the open miracle of life? מה רבו מעשיך ה! Think about the incredible power and potential of every sperm cell, and let's make sure to channel this life-giving energy in the proper ways.
Everyone Falls
Everyone falls, it's getting up afterwards that matters. Great inspiration from Charlie Harary from (Direct Link) .
Fireproof Movie (2008)
Is there an emotional blockage between you and your wife? Has your struggle with the internet impacted your marriage? This movie, made by can RENEW your marriage! Well worth the 2 hour watch, if you try to internalize the beautiful principles that this movie brings out so ...
Going Through It, Growing Through It
A 20 minute talk by Rabbi Avi Tenenbaum on dealing with stress and temptation during the difficult period of the Corona Lockdown.
An "attitude of gratitude" is one of the hallmarks of recovery in the 12-Step program.
Guilt Anonymous and Teshuva (Yom Kippur Shmuz) 5777
Rabbi Benzion Shafier speaks about how to balance the destructive guilt with real Teshuvah (based on a talk he recorded specially for the GYE community).
GYE Broadcast # 355
THAT'S NOT YOU The most dangerous thing is to feel we're lost.
Hand of Fate
What we perceive as misfortunes and "challenges" in life are divinely orchestrated for our ultimate good. From (Direct Link) .
Harboring Resentments
A powerful story related to the Holocaust. When we hold on to resentments, we are just giving the other person rent-free space in our own head. Let go and forgive to find true freedom to move on.
This "Heavy Metal" single expresses well the sentiment of the battle that we all struggle with on GYE.
Just start and don't look back
You can do far more than you believe you can if you just believe in yourself! (And btw, your loving Father is watching you climb and cheering you on, and there's a "GYE safety mat" below if you fall).
Kindertransport 1939
Hashem can do for us that which we can't do for ourselves. And in Elul, Hashem is very close by. But will we have the courage to ASK?
Let go and let G-d
Let's trust that He truly knows best.
Limitations are all in the Mind
Do you feel limited as a result of the addiction? With determination and hard work, nothing can limit us!
Living vs. Dying "Al Kiddush Hashem"
Many of us would be willing to die for Kiddush Hashem, but are we willing to LIVE for Kiddush Hashem? True Kiddush Hashem means choosing Hashem davka where we struggle most!
Michael Savage Radio Show
"You've Got What They Want". How fortunate are we to be part of this holy people!