Videos tagged 'Talks/Shiurim'
Dr Patrick Carnes, Leading Sex Addiction Expert, Video Interview
Patrick J. Carnes, Ph.D., is an internationally known authority and speaker on addiction and recovery issues. He was one of the first in the medical and scientific community to recognize sexual obsessions and compulsions as a real addiction. He has authored over twenty books including the bestsel...
First public mention of GuardYourEyes - Sept 2009
Rabbi Dovid Heber of Baltimore mentions GYE at a kinus of hisorerus for men in Sept 2009, at 13:00 minutes.
Guilt Anonymous and Teshuva (Yom Kippur Shmuz) 5777
Rabbi Benzion Shafier speaks about how to balance the destructive guilt with real Teshuvah (based on a talk he recorded specially for the GYE community).
Jewish NDE (Near Death Experience)
Is there life after death? Is G-d real? Listen to this fascinating story from Rabbi Alon Anava about his NDE (Near Death Experience). From being completely secular, he turned 180 degrees just from this experience. This video is guaranteed to boost your Emunah!
Not Normal Times
We hear about so many crazy stories. We live in crazy times. So if you too are struggling, take heart. You are not alone.
Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski - Teshuvah Through Recovery - Yiboneh
Rabbi Twerski speaks at a talk in Jerusalem (sponsored by "Yiboneh") in October 2016 about his new book "Teshuvah Through Recovery".
Rabbi Ephraim Wachsman on Amalek
FEB 26 2022 CHOFETZ CHAIM SIYUM FOR HIGH SCHOOL BOYS: This powerful talk by Rabbi Ephraim Wachsman is from a recent event of the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation. Michael Rothschild, head of the CCHF, sent this talk to us because he felt it would be a strong Chizuk to our members.
Shiur Torah on Wasting Seed, The Self-Made Physical & Spiritual Gehinom
Someone sent in this shiur to GYE and wrote that it inspired him to stop wasting seed by helping him understand the severity of the prohibition and the spiritual damage he was causing, and also that it was very bad for the body. Disclaimer: GYE does not usually take this "fire and brimstone" ap...
The Anguish of the Soul and its Solution
An inspiring shiur on the "Derech Hashem" of the Ramchal by Rav Mendel Kessin, about the soul and our Olam Haba.
Tikkun Habrit
How can a man fix the sin of wasting seed? With Rabbi Alon Anava. (Disclaimer: GYE doesn't necessarily endorse this video, but we try to bring a variety of methods and approaches so that everyone finds what inspires them the most).