Videos tagged 'Overcoming Challenges'
A broken body isn't a broken person
We are not our bodies. We are our SPIRIT, our VISION and our GOALS.
A Tale of Two Mothers
We all have times in our lives when we feel abandoned and alone. It's in times like these that we have to turn to Hashem and speak to Him. Hashem wants us to ask Him to help us feel His presence in our lives.
Abraham in Training
Our challenges and hardships are what turn us into who we are meant to be.
Yes, the struggle is hard. But nothing stands in the way of determination. - A powerful video!
Hand of Fate
What we perceive as misfortunes and "challenges" in life are divinely orchestrated for our ultimate good. From (Direct Link) .
Limitations are all in the Mind
Do you feel limited as a result of the addiction? With determination and hard work, nothing can limit us!
The Keys
Someone sent this video shiur from Rav Zacharya Wallerstein to GYE and wrote: "This was one of the most powerful shiurim for me in overcoming challenges, and understanding when we lose control and needing to get our choice back. It helped me with my personal challenges and I have sent it to oth...
To This Day
We made it PAST our past, not matter how terrible it may have been, and no matter how bad the abuse we suffered was.