Videos tagged 'Hebrew Parenting Videos'
06 The dangers of early exposure
This video was shown on Israeli TV ad part of a lobbying campaign for better internet protection laws in Israel.
Millennial Question
Millennial's are the generation born after 1984 (we could also call them the "Entitled Generation"). What is technology's role in Millennial attitudes and lifestyles? See also this article .
באו נדבר על הילדים שלנו
This video was shown on TV in Israel during the 2015 election campaigns. Yechezkel Stelzer stood at the head of a party called "Protecting our Children" to raise awareness of the dangers of pornography on our children and to lobby for better internet protection laws in Israel.
באו נדבר על פורנוגרפיה והילדים שלנו
This video was shown on TV in Israel during the 2015 election campaigns. Yechezkel Stelzer stood at the head of a party called "Protecting our Children" to raise awareness of the dangers of pornography on our children and to lobby for better internet protection laws in Israel.
טאטי, ווען וועסט דו האבען צייט פאר מיר
A video in Yiddish with Hebrew subtitles.
כיצד לעורר את המודעות
What should parents and mechanchim tell children about Kedusha inyanim? (In Yiddish with Hebrew subtitles).
סדנת הורות בעידן הדיגיטלי
סדנה חשובה בחסות אינטרנט רימון ועיתון בשבע, בהנחיית הפסיכולוג ירון סלע מאוניברסיטת תל אביב