Videos tagged 'Getting back up after a fall'
#08 Video - How to Lose Like a Winner
Every coach is focused on how to win. Every athlete always focuses on how do I win the battle, how do I win the fight. I'd like to teach you how to lose. And the way you lose is you lose like a winner. What that means in plain, simple language is that I don't care how dedicated you are, I don't c...
#10 Video - Getting Up Off the Floor
Coaches have a criterion to determine whether a girl has what it takes to be a world champion. And what they say is that criterion is how many times is a young woman willing to fall on the ice and get back up again.
8th Day - Communicate!
This music video underscores the importance of sharing with others about your struggles, and not trying to go it alone. (Made possible with the help of NYS Office of Addiction Services and Supports - OASAS).
Adam & Chava's First Nightfall on Planet Earth
No matter what has happened, there's always another chance.
Broken and Fixed
We may all be somewhat broken, but it's after Yom Kippur now and Hashem has fixed us up. So what is more beautiful, a whole vessel or a vessel that has been broken and fixed? It all depends on your perspective.
Cuz We All Fall
The fear of falling stops so many of us from even TRYING
Everyone Falls
Everyone falls, it's getting up afterwards that matters. Great inspiration from Charlie Harary from (Direct Link) .
Fall Seven Times, Get Up Eight
From See here:
G-d is watching on you
When we are not looking where we're going in life, G-d sometimes brings us to fall just to WAKE US UP.
Rabbi Wallerstein. The Way to Heal Pain.
Would you give away your struggles if you could?
Up From the Ashes
Quote from the song: "For every big mistake you make, be grateful! That mistake you’ll never make again!" Click here for the lyrics of this song from the “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang” 1968 Children's Movie.