Videos tagged 'Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski'
02 Rabanim speak about GYE and Shalom's personal story
R' Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, Rav Aharon Feldman, Rabbi/Dr. Avraham J. Twerski and Shalom's personal story.
03 Twerski on Love
What is true love?
06 Internet Addiction
This video clip is from an interactive CD called "Caught in the Web" produced by Torah Umesorah in 2007. Just as relevant today - if not more!
08 Rabbi Twerski speaks about GuardYourEyes
Rabbi Twerski speaks about GuardYourEyes at a talk in Jerusalem (sponsored by "Yiboneh") in October 2016 about his new book "Teshuvah Through Recovery".
At the Shiva for Rabbi Twerski - older
Chaim Twerski speaks after the Levaya of his grandfather.
Bracha from Rabbi Twerski
Elul 2017
Early Exposure
This video clip is from an interactive CD called "Caught in the Web" produced by Torah Umesorah in 2007.
His Final Mission
GYE's Tribute to Rabbi Twerski Zatzal - High Holiday Campaign 5782
Parental Involvement
This video clip is from an interactive CD called "Caught in the Web" produced by Torah Umesorah in 2007.
Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski - Teshuvah Through Recovery - Yiboneh
Rabbi Twerski speaks at a talk in Jerusalem (sponsored by "Yiboneh") in October 2016 about his new book "Teshuvah Through Recovery".
Rabbi Twerski - With Subtitles
Short version of Rabbi Twerski's talk at the GYE Convention, March 14, 2018, where he speaks about GYE and the launch of PA.
Rabbi Twerski at the Launch of PA
For addicts who haven't progressed beyond the screen, there was a need for a 12-Step fellowship. The launch of PA was an historic moment that will hopefully help millions of people around the world one day.
Rabbi Twerski in Monroe
Rabbi Twerski speaks about GuardYourEyes at a GYE Dinner in Monroe in 2011. (The first few sentences are in Yiddish).
Rabbi Twerski on Addiction and Recovery
Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski discusses addiction and recovery in the Jewish community in this interview at the JRC Retreat 2013
Twerski in Every Generation
Rabbi Twerski discusses the main challenge of our generation at a GYE board meeting in 2015