Videos tagged '12 Step Attitude'
01 How Does A Homeless Man Spend $100
One of the most inspiring videos I've ever seen about focusing outward. "You're on a different path somehow in life... I can't explain it." - Homeless man.
03 Twerski on Love
What is true love?
04 Change Glasses
Do we see only ourselves?
8th Day - Communicate!
This music video underscores the importance of sharing with others about your struggles, and not trying to go it alone. (Made possible with the help of NYS Office of Addiction Services and Supports - OASAS).
Anecdote about an Antidote
What's the best antidote to the Coronavirus?
Being a Man
What separates the men from the boys? From
Fireproof Movie (2008)
Is there an emotional blockage between you and your wife? Has your struggle with the internet impacted your marriage? This movie, made by can RENEW your marriage! Well worth the 2 hour watch, if you try to internalize the beautiful principles that this movie brings out so ...
Forgiveness and "Letting go of resentments" is one of the bedrocks of 12-Step recovery. We need to learn to forgive for our OWN sake, for our own inner-peace. This beautiful clip is a great example of how faith can help a person forgive and let go of the past.
Forgiveness - Jewish Food For Thought
From By Hanan Harchol
Forgiveness - להרפות ולסלוח
האם אפשר לסלוח לאדם שגרם להרג של כל בני משפחתך? Is it possible to forgive someone who caused your entire family to be killed?
Give Them a Life to Fight For
No one will work towards recovery if they don't first focus on what they have to fight for.
An "attitude of gratitude" is one of the hallmarks of recovery in the 12-Step program.
My Syrian Friend
What does real friendship mean? From (Direct Link) .
The Freezing Homeless Child! (Social Experiment)
Sometimes only one addict can understand another addict. Those who know need, can perhaps understand best others in need.
The Letter - Daven For Me
A GYE member wrote: I saw this video and it brought me to tears, 'cuz I know it's true. We did not have children for ten years, and then thru "Daven For Me", my wife davened for two women, and they davened for her. Within less than a year, they each had a child (one had a boy, the other a girl) a...
The Secret to Inner Happiness
A 75 year study proves that being there for others is ultimately what keeps us alive and happy.
Understanding Others
Putting ourselves in other people's shoes can help us let go of resentments we may harbor against those we disagree with.