Videos tagged 'Duvid Chaim's Motivational Videos'
Video 01: Are you a Spinner or a Sailor?
The reason I am dedicating time to share with the Chevra - Lessons by the World’s leading Motivational Teachers is that I have observed how the percentage of Men and Women who enter the 12 Step Program and actually Recover and attain Sobriety is relatively small. So it’s begs the question, why? ...
Video 02: How to make Change Stick?
Have you or anyone you know ever said they were starting a New Period of Sobriety - determined to stay sober 90 days or more… or they decided they were going to be a much better husband…or Provider to their family… or they made a resolution to grow spiritually this Shavuos, stay up all night and ...
Video 03: Three Rules of How to Achieve Real Present and Long Term Change
Please allow me to share with you the best techniques and research available today in the Art and Science of Motivation. If I can save just one of you, one more hour of agony and frustration that comes from the “Fall that I didn’t want” - then I will consider all this effort worthwhile. Let’s all...
Video 04: How to TAKE ACTION to improve your Life
TODAY, we will be talking about How to TAKE ACTION and improve your Life - and how by taking just Four Simple Steps, we can make the Changes in our Life - in ALL AREAS of our LIFE - that we never thought possible.
Do you ever feel like your days are spinning out of control? That you just can’t keep organized or accomplish half of what you wanted to? Well, there’s hope…
Video 06: How to use DISCIPLINE to reach our Goals
Do you ever have one of those days where you start off all pumped up about your BIG PLANS for the day? And then before you really got to dig in to your PLANS, your day just seems to fall apart?! You go bonkers - and you feel frustrated - and you really don’t understand what happened. Well, ...
Video 07: How to have a Difficult Conversation and be Heard
How many times have you felt the following from people around you: From those closest to me: - Why doesn’t my wife or family understand me…and my needs? - They’re just thinking about themselves…they expect me to be more “sensitive to their needs” but could care less about mine. - And from others,...
Video 08: How to use your Mind to Overcome Fear
Do you ever have one of those days where you just can’t seem to get rid of that 2 ton weight on your shoulders that is called FEAR? And it doesn’t matter if it’s a real Fear or imagined, your mind keeps playing … and replaying all of the worst possible outcomes. The future looks so bleak and yo...
Video 09: How the Mind Works
Have you ever felt like a ROBOT?! Like your Mind has taken over your body? You could be having a perfectly calm and normal day. And then all of a sudden, wham! You’re yelling and screaming at your wife or the kids. Or you’re driving like a maniac down the freeways. Or you realize that you’re...
Video 10: The Five SIMPLE Rules of Life
Have you ever wondered why life seems so doggone complicated? Seems like life is full of one Tzurus after another. I can’t figure out my wife, my kids, my boss. In fact, I can’t even figure out myself. So how can I learn to live my life in such a manner as to find fulfillment, joy, connecti...
Video 11: How to Stay Focused
Have you ever noticed that you wake up and start your day with a general idea of what you want to accomplish today. BUT, as you get into your day, the morning whizzes by, then lunchtime shows up. Soon, you’re in your afternoon going from putting out one fire to the next and then the day ends - -...