Videos tagged 'Inspiration for Women'
A broken body isn't a broken person
We are not our bodies. We are our SPIRIT, our VISION and our GOALS.
Feminine vs Masculine
There is so much beauty and profundity in Jewish wisdom. This video brings out so well the idea that true purpose lies more in the process than in the results. Developing a relationship with G-d through our struggles is far more precious than overcoming the struggles!
It's all Fake
Someone wrote to GYE: "A number of years ago, my wife showed me the following video about how an average looking lady was transformed into a supermodel using computers - her "beauty" was not real at all! Perhaps others would find this helpful too." Today's media, models, advertisements and porn...
Make Lemonade out of Lemons
Instead of trying to be the "perfect person" for others, if we accept ourselves for WHO WE ARE, with all our defects, it opens doors to whole new worlds. Live life for YOURSELF and not for anyone else.
Michael Savage Radio Show
"You've Got What They Want". How fortunate are we to be part of this holy people!
Well Done
WARNING: This video is guaranteed to make you cry. If you're going through a hard time physically or emotionally, or with the struggles with the Yetzer Hara, this video will give you strength. (To watch on Youtube: