Videos tagged 'GYE Chizuk Broadcasts'
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GYE Chizuk Broadcast #217
The Sin and Its Consequence: Rabbi Alon Anava - "What's so bad about looking if I don't do anything?"
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #218
"The Key": Rabbi Lazer Brody - How to convince your wife and daughters to dress modestly.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #219
"Buzz Buzz": Rabbi Yosef Palacci explains why Chazal compare the Yetzer Hara to a fly.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #222
Teshuva's Power: Rabbi Alon Anava - "What's the difference between a chozer b'teshuvah and a ba'al t'shuvah?"
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #224
"Stay away from the edge of the cliff": Rabbi Yosef Palacci speaks about setting up barriers for ourselves.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #227
Guarding the Gates: Rabbi Alon Anava - "Have you ever tried to drive in the rain without turning on the windshield wipers?"
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #228
Shabbos = Digital Detox: Rabbi Jonathan Sacks discusses the consequences of addiction to digital devices.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #229
"Down Boy!": Rabbi Yosef Palacci discusses why the Yetzer Hara, the Satan and the Angel of Death are all the same.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #231
Dealing with the Past: Rabbi Noam Wagner answers the question: "How to erase from my mind things I've seen in my past?"
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #232
Our Community: Rabbi Shlomo Sternberg warns that we can live in a good Jewish community and yet it can be as if we live in the worst community.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #234
Everlasting Merit: Rabbi Yaakov Laredo brings a Medrash showing the powerful merit of guarding ourselves in these areas.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #236
Is Teshuvah Possible?: Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier discusses where we learn that Hashem will definitely accept our teshuvah.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #237
Use the Yetzer Hara's Tricks: Rabbi Daniel Coren shares a powerful strategy for moments of tests.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #238
Is it Yichud to take a phone to the bathroom? Rabbi Noam Wagner responds and inspires.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #239
Effecting the World: Rabbi Yaakov Laredo shows us how our own actions affect the world around us.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #241
Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier discusses the key question to know when we are ready for Teshuvah.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #243
How to become like the Cohen Gadol
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #244
Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein explains why some people struggle with certain challenges and desires in life.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #246
The Battle is for your Mind: Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier explains how the Yetzer Hara gets us to believe we want to do the sin, and how to battle him.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #247
Light and Dark: Rabbi Noach Isaac Oelbaum brings from the Shla"h Hakadosh about the two types of eyes that we all have.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #248
Tehei Shnas Eiyin Tova: Rabbi Daniel Coren ushers in the new year of 5779 with some powerful inspiration!
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #251
SONG VIDEO: "Save Us from Sin and Tests"*: We received this song from one of GYE's Boost members who wrote: "My name is Yonasan Gavant. I live in Atlanta and I'm a big fan of the daily chizzuk b...
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #253
Man's Job - Wife's Job: Rabbi Yaron Reuven speaks frankly about avoiding temptation, from both the perspective of the man and his wife.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #254
"The Brown Bear and I": Rabbi Shafier elucidates on how we all have a bear inside of us, but we also have something that bear's don't have.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #255
Flashes of Light in the Darkness: Rabbi Daniel Coren illustrates how our darkest times are often periods of the greatest growth.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #258
Overcoming Curiosity: Rabbi Yaacov Laredo explains how working on our natural curiosity is a big component of shmirat einayim.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #259
The Beauty in the Process: Rabbi Moshe Weinberger illustrates through the Esrog how, in spiritual matters, the journey is equal in importance to the destination.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #260
Perfection vs. Imperfection: Rabbi Shraga Kallus gives us chizuk as we begin the new zman, with a beautiful lesson he internalized from the recent Yom Tov of Sukkos.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #262
Rabbi Yaacov Laredo. The Boost in a Nutshell: They say that every trait can be used for the good, but is this true for LAZINESS as well? Our sages tell us that if the opportunity to sin comes a...
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #264
LO SASURU: Is a man allowed to look at a woman who is not his wife? Rabbi Zamir Cohen teaches us the Halachos in a nutshell, and also expounds on the great benefits enjoyed in THIS world by those w...
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #267
The Heights of Teshuvah. Why does the Bal Teshuvah stand even higher than the Tzadik? Rabbi Yaacov Laredo explains.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #268
Living in the Now: Rabbi Daniel Coren asks why Chazal compare the first nisayon of Avraham Avinu (lech lecha) to the huge nisayon of the Akeida. The answer can change your life!
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #272
Rabbi Yaacov Laredo on "What Constitutes a Chassid?" The saying goes: "A dead fish goes with the flow".
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #281
"Whose Thoughts are Those??" - Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier: Do you ever feel the Yetzer Hara is who you really are?
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #283
Double Whammy: Rabbi Yitzchak Feigenbaum speaks about the difficulty of shmiras einayim, and yet, why it's so worth it!
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #284
Why was Hashem sure Yitzchak wouldn't sin?
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #287
Doing What's Right: Rabbi Shay Tahan: Our actions often don't determine the results. We can only do what's right and leave the rest to Hashem.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #288
The Harder the Better: Rav Yosef Palacci brings a story from the Chafetz Chaim to encourage us to appreciate davka when the struggle is hard.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #291
Blessing Through Adversity. Rabbi YY Jacobson. Do we come out of our struggles bruised or blessed?
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #292
Satan's Biggest Trick: Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi. What's the proper attitude after a fall?
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #293
"Va'yima'en" - And He Refused. Rabbi YY Jacobson: How can we empower our children with the inner strength to withstand temptation?
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #294
FIGHTING THROUGHOUT THE NIGHT - Rabbi Shraga Kallus: What mussar can we learn from the following Halacha of Chanukah: "If one lights the Menorah properly and it gets extinguished before 30 minutes,...
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GYE Chizuk Broadcast #302
THAT'S DISGUSTING! - Rabbi Efraim Stauber: Is it really possible to develop an abhorrence to look at things we shouldn't?
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #304
DOUBLE DECKER BUS ON THE SCALE: Rabbi Avi Wiesenfeld. The Toldos Aharon Rebbe describes how our shmiras einayim can actually save lives!
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #306
CASHING IN ON THE BILLION DOLLAR INDUSTRY: Rabbi Shraga Kallus: The darkness seems never-ending, but that's the very reason we can be zoche to much more!
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #307
TURN ON THE LIGHTS: Rabbi Efem Goldberg, in a shiur on Messilas Yesharim, speaks about taking stock and avoiding obstacles through the lense of the Ramchal.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #311
MESSAGES FROM HASHEM: Rav Yisroel Brog tells over a story where we can see clearly how physical and spiritual tikkunim (fixing) are directly linked.