Videos tagged 'Rabbis and Community Leaders'
Bracha from Rabbi Twerski
Elul 2017
Comments from addictions Therapist Moshe Yachnes about GYE
We had a nice meeting today with a well known addictions Therapist, Moshe Yachnes, LMSW, CSAT, CASACT. He runs an addiction rehab center in Lantana FL. Someone who is familiar with both his work and with GYE, suggested that we meet to brainstorm on how we can spread awareness in the frum commun...
Dr. David Pelcowitz
Professor of Education & Psychology, Yeshiva University
Dr. Dovid Lieberman
Dovid Lieberman, Ph.D., - Psychologist, noted speaker and award-winning author.
R' Yechezkel Kauftheil
Community Askan and Philanthropist
Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski, MD
Rabbi Twerski speaks at a GYE Parlor meeting in 2010
Rabbi Aharon Feldman
Rabbi Feldman speaks at a GYE Parlor meeting in 2010
Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel
MC at GYE Parlor Meeting in 2010 at Avraham Wolfson's home in Brooklyn
Rabbi Eli Mansour
Rabbi of Bet Yaakob Synagogue, Brooklyn
Rabbi Gavriel Friedman (Rav Gav)
Aish HaTorah, Jerusalem
Rabbi Hershel Schachter
Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshiva University
Rabbi Mendel Kessin
Famous speaker on Jewish Hashkafa.
Rabbi Mordechai Willig
Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshiva University
Rabbi Shafier GYE Promo
Rabbi Benzion Shafier recorded this special message of GYE's annual High-Holiday campaign.
Rabbi Yisroel Reisman
Rosh Yeshiva at Yeshiva Torah Vodaas, Brooklyn
Rabbi Yosef Elefant
Magid Shiur - Mir, Jerusalem.
Rabbi Yosef Elefant
Speaking from Israel at a GYE event in New Jersey (July 2018) through video conference.
Rabbi Zecharyah Wallerstein
Director of Ohr Naava Women's Institute
Rav Elya Brudny
Rosh Yeshiva - Mir, Brooklyn
Rav Matisyahu Solomon
Rav Matisyahu Solomon speaks about GYE and Venishmartem
Rav Moshe Weinberger
Rav of Cong. Aish Kodesh, Five Towns
Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky
Rosh Yeshiva, Talmudical Yeshiva of Philladelphia
Shmuel Sackett (comments on GYE Presentation)
Shmuel Sackett is the Founder and Director of the Am Yisrael Chai Foundation, and a religious Zionist leader, having co-founded both the Zo Artzeinu and Manhigut Yehudit ("Jewish Leadership") political movements in Israel.
Twerski in Every Generation
Rabbi Twerski discusses the main challenge of our generation at a GYE board meeting in 2015