Videos tagged 'Inspirational Videos'
Keep strong in your struggle through these inspirational videos which will help you keep the proper perspective on overcoming challenges, maintaining an 'attitude of gratitude', and strengthening our Emunah.
Mr. Don Ghermezian CEO of American Dream Mall (Whatsapp version)
An amazing story of Hashem's open messages for those who seek the truth.
- 01:27
- 02:19
People seeing color first time
Do we appreciate the miracle of sight? Let's make sure to use it right!
Powerful Tips for Self Control
We human beings are heroic in deciding to overcome temptation in the FUTURE, but we're pretty bad at implementing those decisions in the PRESENT. The way to overcome this problem, is to set up cont...
- 03:40
Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski - Teshuvah Through Recovery - Yiboneh
Rabbi Twerski speaks at a talk in Jerusalem (sponsored by "Yiboneh") in October 2016 about his new book "Teshuvah Through Recovery".
- 01:30
- 01:07
Rabbi Wallerstein. The Way to Heal Pain.
Would you give away your struggles if you could?
- 02:21
If we feel rejected by those closest to us, this message can give us strength.
Secret to Happiness
What most people consider the means to the end is really the goal in and of itself!
Stress Management
Put the glass down.
Stretch out your hand
If we do whatever we can, Hashem will do the rest, even when it seems impossible.
- 07:15
The Coronation of the King
Let's make Hashem our King NOW, before He reveals Himself to the whole world!
The Dream
What's the last big test we face as a nation before moshiach can come?
The Freezing Homeless Child! (Social Experiment)
Sometimes only one addict can understand another addict. Those who know need, can perhaps understand best others in need.
The Joy of Intimacy
18 AND OVER ONLY What is REAL love? Rabbi Manis Friedman, renowned speaker and author of book "The Joy of Intimacy", speaks about the tragic loss of real intimacy in today's world, due to the p...
The Leap of Faith
After years of "using" shmutz as a drug and a means of escape, believing that we can actually live WITHOUT it takes a real leap of FAITH. When we hear "Let go and let G-d", it feels like taking a...
The Letter - Daven For Me
A GYE member wrote: I saw this video and it brought me to tears, 'cuz I know it's true. We did not have children for ten years, and then thru "Daven For Me", my wife davened for two women, and they...
The Marshmallow Test
Those who have self-control do much better in all areas of life. Watch this fascinating study.
The Mesiras Nefesh of a Simple Jew
You think you have it hard? Perhaps we can learn something from the messiras nefesh of a simple Jew.
The NBA Player who guards his eyes
NBA Basketball Player Amar'e Stoudemire is in the process of converting to Judaism. He describes how learning Torah helps him learn self-control and guard his eyes and thoughts...
The Power of Whispering
Why do we whisper during Shmoneh Esrei?
The Seal of Truth (English Subtitles)
An emotional account by someone who was non-religious and experienced death, the after-life and his heavenly judgment, and how he was sent back down to earth and became a Ba'al Teshuvah. The video ...
The TOP 10 Lessons of the Corona Virus
Hashem is so wise that He can bring one catastrophe on the world that teaches each person the lesson that they need to hear.
The Video that inspired a million lives
Hashem is our father. He might seem tough on us at times, but never leave home! He will pull us through in the end, by hook or by crook!
The Yetzer Hara
The Yetzer Hara makes himself as a poor man, begging us to give in to him. But when we do, he ends up robbing us of everything precious in our lives. Don't fall for his evil tricks!
Tikkun Habrit
How can a man fix the sin of wasting seed? With Rabbi Alon Anava. (Disclaimer: GYE doesn't necessarily endorse this video, but we try to bring a variety of methods and approaches so that everyone f...
Turning our struggles into blessings
A powerful story. If you went through a difficulty in life and got through it, make sure others don't need to go through the same.
Vertical Success: Lessons from the Gym
True growth happens when we are ready to get out of our comfort zone. It has to hurt to make lasting change. From (Direct Link) .
- 01:25
- 01:33
- 01:54
What is our real prison?
Watch this amazing talk about the way out of our own personal prisons, how to motivate ourselves, move forward, and love ourselves in all situations.
What makes a true leader?
The world tries to convince us to live a quick-fix, pleasure centered life. But true leaders live a principle-valued life. Are you living by your values?
What to convey to a 15 year old?
Due to Covid-19, GYE has been getting many young teens reaching out for help. They are using digital devices for home-schooling, often without filters, and have lots of time on their hands. This is...
Where is Happiness?
Perhaps mankinds's biggest mistake is to confuse "pleasure" with "happiness". We run the rat race after pleasure and "things", believing they will bring happiness, but it never lasts. True happines...
- 01:05
You're Gold
Feeling down, weak? Put on this great motivational song and start dancing!
Your Brain's Amazing Ability to Change
You may have learned some bad habits, or even gotten "addicted", but the brain has a remarkable ability to learn new behaviors.
היטן מיינע אוייגן
A group of Chassidic boys on the way to Uman started davening and singing to Hashem to save them from seeing things they shouldn't on the way... Their song became this clip.