- 01:45
- 06:58
- 02:20
- 07:21
02 Pornography is a drug
How does porn lead to addiction?
02 Rabanim speak about GYE and Shalom's personal story
R' Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, Rav Aharon Feldman, Rabbi/Dr. Avraham J. Twerski and Shalom's personal story.
02 SSA Q&A Video 2/8
How common is SSA? Am I alone?
02 The Demise of Guys
What are the results of porn addiction on today's youth?
02 עתיד1 - נלחמים בסם החדש
This animated clip was shown on TV in Israel during the 2015 election campaigns. Yechezkel Stelzer, CEO of GYE, stood at the head of a party called "Protecting our Children" to raise awareness of t...
02 שיר חדש
Thank you to: "היינו כחולמים" for this video (cholmim@shoresh.org.il).
02_Emuna Presentation Part 2 Q&A
These talks are a project of the Ani Maamin foundation which helps spread Emunah among today's youth in schools across the U.S. The talks were given by R' Avi Landa, a Mashgiach and psychotherapi...
- 01:27
03 GYE Video - Rabbanim and Shalom's personal story (blurred)
Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zweibel, Director of Agudath Israel of America - 40 seconds. Rabbi Aharon Feldman, Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah of America - 1 min. 45 sec. Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski, Internationally r...
03 Lost in the World
Where is our world heading? Are the smart-phones turning us all into dumb-people?
03 Miracle of the Matzos
הנס של המצות
03 SSA Q&A Video 3/8
Do I have to accept a Gay lifestyle? Is this who I am?
03 The Great Porn Experiment
Understanding the science behind porn addiction, and how it is destroying our ability to function both sexually and socially.
03 Twerski on Love
What is true love?
03 Urge Surfing
A brilliant analysis of addictive behaviors and how to break them - in under 2 minutes! Using the classic behavioral learning model, this video clearly explains how the skill of Urge-Surfing is a ...
03 הרב יהושע שפירא
הרב יהושע שפירא מדבר על הארגון שמור עניך
03 סיפורו של הדוגמן - אבישי כהן
If you know Hebrew, this video is one of the most inspirational you will ever see in your life. (If anyone wants to volunteer to translate subtitles for English, please write to eyes.guard@gmail.com)
03 ראש ממשלת בריטניה - דייוויד קמרון
This clip, put together by Yechezkel Stelzer, was shown to almost all the MKs of the Israeli Knesset to influence them to vote towards a law that would protect children from early exposure to porno...
- 03:22
04 Change Glasses
Do we see only ourselves?
04 Everything we think we know about addiction is wrong
What causes addiction? The answer is not what most people think.
04 Smart-phones Dumb-people
Put your hands behind your head and step away from the phone!
04 SSA Q&A Video 4/8
Is it possible to get rid of my SSA?
04 The Importance of Vitamin N
Why are so many of our children developing mental health issues today, like ADHD, addiction, and just plain self-centeredness?
- 07:29
- 01:00
05 Addiction Animation
This cute animation drives home the nature of addiction.
05 GYE Promotional Video
GYE needs YOUR help to extend, advertise and maintain our operation. With your help, we can reach every Jew in need.
- 07:39
05 SSA Q&A Video 5/8
How can I get help without disclosing myself?
- 02:11
05 Time Well Spent?
This clip drives home how technology is designed to get us hooked. Are we allowing technology to play AGAINST us or can we get it on OUR team?
06 - GYE Chizuk Broadcast
Rav Ephraim Wachsman speaks about how davka those with the fire of desire in their hearts have the highest potential for the fire of Kedusha.
06 Dear Me...
A letter to my younger self, warning of the dark clutches of addiction.
06 Internet Addiction
This video clip is from an interactive CD called "Caught in the Web" produced by Torah Umesorah in 2007. Just as relevant today - if not more!
06 Poker Chips
This classic talk gives powerful insight into the secret to being a good parent or a good teacher.
06 SSA Q&A Video 6/8
Is SSA something you can talk to others about? Can they understand?
06 The dangers of early exposure
This video was shown on Israeli TV ad part of a lobbying campaign for better internet protection laws in Israel.
07 - GYE Chizuk Broadcast
Rabbi Avigdor Miller zatza"l speaks about making commitments and how to use powerful fences to ensure we stick to them.
07 Rise above this base desire
When we give in to our desires too much, we end up destroying ourselves and the world around us. - A cute clip from "Ice Age".
07 SSA Q&A Video 7/8
Is it possible to develop an attraction to a woman if I've never had one?
- 02:32
08 - GYE Chizuk Broadcast
In this video broadcast Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier speaks about how to deal with failure.
08 Rabbi Twerski speaks about GuardYourEyes
Rabbi Twerski speaks about GuardYourEyes at a talk in Jerusalem (sponsored by "Yiboneh") in October 2016 about his new book "Teshuvah Through Recovery".