- 01:43
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- 03:02
- 04:33
My Syrian Friend
What does real friendship mean? From Aish.com (Direct Link) .
- 03:32
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- 01:34
Nischazek Event_GYE Hotline Launch Video
This video was shown at a Chizuk event for Bochurim in Manchester, April 2022
- 04:40
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- 01:43
- 03:42
Not Normal Times
We hear about so many crazy stories. We live in crazy times. So if you too are struggling, take heart. You are not alone.
- 03:10
One Minute, Honey
Do we give our phones more attention than our children? Shocking stats show that we do.
- 09:14
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- 07:08
Our Children and the Digital World (short 4 min)
A powerful video created in conjunction with the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation about the dangers of technology, addiction and parenting in the digital age.
- 07:08
- 03:35
- 02:19
- 09:57
- 03:25
Pants on Fire
By Rabbi Shais Taub Massive oil-burning street lamps lit up the whole city of Jerusalem at night during the water-drawing celebration. But why were the wicks of these lamps made specifically from...
Parental Involvement
This video clip is from an interactive CD called "Caught in the Web" produced by Torah Umesorah in 2007.
- 12:25
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- 07:41
- 06:43
People seeing color first time
Do we appreciate the miracle of sight? Let's make sure to use it right!
Pharaoh and the Yetzer Hara
Learning from Yetzias Mitzrayim How to Break Free.
- 02:28
- 04:26