Reaching New Heights - Session 1 - My Neshama Awareness
My Neshama Awareness will teach you how to focus on the most powerful force in this universe, the human Neshama, as the G-d given power within that enables you to discover your true freedom and rea...
Reaching New Heights - Session 10 - The Breath of Life
The Breath of Life meditation will enable you to experience the transformative power of using your breath and imagination to appreciate Hashem’s love for you and His love for others, as well.
Reaching New Heights - Session 2 - The Eyes
This meditation, The Eyes, focuses your awareness on external “eyes” that are always observing you, waiting to trip you up and destroy your life. We can call these “eyes” the yetzer hara or the sat...
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Reaching New Heights - Session 4 - Rejoining the Circle
This meditation will enable you to rejoin the circle in a dance of deep love and freedom, reconnection to every positive individual and force in your life.
Reaching New Heights - Session 5 - FACT
F.A.C.T. is an acronym for Freedom, Appreciation, Caring and Trust. These are progressive ways of thinking that enable you to transform negative and destructive thoughts and feelings which entrap a...
Reaching New Heights - Session 6 - FLAG
F.L.A.G. is an Acronym for Freedom, Love, Acceptance and Gratitude. These are progressive ways of thinking that enable you to transform your feelings of entrapment and fatalism that keep you impris...
Reaching New Heights - Session 7 - ORI
The ORI meditation will enable you to experience the transformative power of using past relationships to acquire a new and healthy way of experiencing your truer and more positive self.
Reaching New Heights - Session 8 - Centering
The Centering meditation will enable you to fully experience the sensation of being Centered.
Reaching New Heights - Session 9 - The Pulse of Life
The Pulse of Life meditation will enable you to learn how to use the sensation of your pulse as a method of self regulating your feelings of intense fear and anxiety.
Reaching New Heights Meditation 1 - My Neshama Awareness
My Neshama Awareness will teach you how to focus on the most powerful force in this universe, the human Neshama, as the G-d given power within that enables you to discover your true freedom and rea...
Reaching New Heights Meditation 2
This meditation, The Eyes, focuses your awareness on external “eyes” that are always observing you, waiting to trip you up and destroy your life. We can call these “eyes” the yetzer hara or the sat...
Reaching New Heights Meditation 3
This meditation will focus your thoughts and feelings to experience your true “Inner Light,” as your only authentic identity.
Reaching New Heights Meditation 4
This meditation will enable you to rejoin the circle in a dance of deep love and freedom, reconnection to every positive individual and force in your life.
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If we feel rejected by those closest to us, this message can give us strength.
Remember the End
Chazal say that if we are tempted by sin we should remind ourselves of the day of death...
- 01:30
Rivka's Story and Message to Survivors: There's Hope
A woman who was abused as a youngster had the courage to come forward and tell her story to the world. Enough with the silence and sweeping it under the rug! Enough with the blaming of the victims!...
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Secret to Happiness
What most people consider the means to the end is really the goal in and of itself!
Seeing Others
In this video, we see how Chazal are hinting to us that before we can feel Hashem, we must first feel our fellow man.