GYE Chizuk Broadcast #151
Using Falls for Growth: The Lubavitcher Rebbe explains why every Jew has ups and downs in their spiritual state.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #154
Battle to Make Peace: Rabbi Yaacov Laredo shares a wise saying from the Sefer Shevet Mussar.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #157
"I can't turn off my phone": Rav Coren speaks about the challenge of our smartphones today, and how we should have someone we can reach out to for help.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #159
Voices in Your Head: Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier tries to answer the question: "Why did Hashem create the Yetzer Hara?"
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #164
Step 1 - Powerless: Rav Shafier shows us how the famous first step of Alcoholics Anonymous is spot-on with Torah Hashkafa.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #169
Dumb Deer: Rabbi Shafier exhorts us not to allow ourselves to fall into the same trap twice!
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #172
Victory with a "BUT": Rabbi Shafier reassures us that even our victories may be blemished and imperfect, and that's still amazing!
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #177
"But I Caused this Mess": Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier reassures us that this struggle is not our fault!
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #180
THE SECRET BEHIND A KORBAN: Rabbi Palacci shows us how we can bring Korbonos every day, even though we don't have a Beis Hamikdash.
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GYE Chizuk Broadcast #190
Do Your Best and Hashem Will Do the Rest: Rabbi Avi Weisenfeld brings a beautiful Medrash to bring out the idea that as long as we do what we can, Hashem will do the rest for us - even if it seems ...
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #193
Who can yell at Hashem? Rabbi Lazer Brody explains what kind of prayers always get answered.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #194
Og Melech Habashan: Rabbi Daniel Coren shares an amazing dream, revealing what is the last job of the generation before Moshiach.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #200
Getting to the Root: Rabbi Yosef Palacci talks about the importance of "avoiding the first sip".
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #203
New Born: Rav Yoel Roth shares a powerful attitude that can help us greatly in the struggle with the Yetzer Hara.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #205
"The Fox and the Hunters": Rabbi Yosef Palacci shares a parable about the Yetzer Hara.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #208
"Rav Ovadia's Secret": Rabbi Daniel Glatstein shares Rav Ovadia's explanation of why he merited such a good memory for Torah.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #210
The Titanic Test: If we put ourselves into a test and pass, are we heroes? Let Rabbi Yosef Palacci enlighten us.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #213
"Why are you searching for food in garbage bins?" - Rav Yoel Roth bemoans the excessive "prishus" that today's chosson teachers sometimes preach.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #214
"Give him a finger, he'll take the whole hand": Rabbi Yosef Palacci wonders why a company would fire their most profitable worker.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #217
The Sin and Its Consequence: Rabbi Alon Anava - "What's so bad about looking if I don't do anything?"
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #218
"The Key": Rabbi Lazer Brody - How to convince your wife and daughters to dress modestly.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #219
"Buzz Buzz": Rabbi Yosef Palacci explains why Chazal compare the Yetzer Hara to a fly.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #222
Teshuva's Power: Rabbi Alon Anava - "What's the difference between a chozer b'teshuvah and a ba'al t'shuvah?"
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #224
"Stay away from the edge of the cliff": Rabbi Yosef Palacci speaks about setting up barriers for ourselves.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #227
Guarding the Gates: Rabbi Alon Anava - "Have you ever tried to drive in the rain without turning on the windshield wipers?"
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #228
Shabbos = Digital Detox: Rabbi Jonathan Sacks discusses the consequences of addiction to digital devices.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #229
"Down Boy!": Rabbi Yosef Palacci discusses why the Yetzer Hara, the Satan and the Angel of Death are all the same.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #231
Dealing with the Past: Rabbi Noam Wagner answers the question: "How to erase from my mind things I've seen in my past?"
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #232
Our Community: Rabbi Shlomo Sternberg warns that we can live in a good Jewish community and yet it can be as if we live in the worst community.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #234
Everlasting Merit: Rabbi Yaakov Laredo brings a Medrash showing the powerful merit of guarding ourselves in these areas.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #236
Is Teshuvah Possible?: Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier discusses where we learn that Hashem will definitely accept our teshuvah.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #237
Use the Yetzer Hara's Tricks: Rabbi Daniel Coren shares a powerful strategy for moments of tests.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #238
Is it Yichud to take a phone to the bathroom? Rabbi Noam Wagner responds and inspires.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #239
Effecting the World: Rabbi Yaakov Laredo shows us how our own actions affect the world around us.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #241
Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier discusses the key question to know when we are ready for Teshuvah.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #243
How to become like the Cohen Gadol
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #244
Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein explains why some people struggle with certain challenges and desires in life.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #246
The Battle is for your Mind: Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier explains how the Yetzer Hara gets us to believe we want to do the sin, and how to battle him.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #247
Light and Dark: Rabbi Noach Isaac Oelbaum brings from the Shla"h Hakadosh about the two types of eyes that we all have.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #248
Tehei Shnas Eiyin Tova: Rabbi Daniel Coren ushers in the new year of 5779 with some powerful inspiration!
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #251
SONG VIDEO: "Save Us from Sin and Tests"*: We received this song from one of GYE's Boost members who wrote: "My name is Yonasan Gavant. I live in Atlanta and I'm a big fan of the daily chizzuk b...
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #253
Man's Job - Wife's Job: Rabbi Yaron Reuven speaks frankly about avoiding temptation, from both the perspective of the man and his wife.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #254
"The Brown Bear and I": Rabbi Shafier elucidates on how we all have a bear inside of us, but we also have something that bear's don't have.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #255
Flashes of Light in the Darkness: Rabbi Daniel Coren illustrates how our darkest times are often periods of the greatest growth.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #258
Overcoming Curiosity: Rabbi Yaacov Laredo explains how working on our natural curiosity is a big component of shmirat einayim.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #259
The Beauty in the Process: Rabbi Moshe Weinberger illustrates through the Esrog how, in spiritual matters, the journey is equal in importance to the destination.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #260
Perfection vs. Imperfection: Rabbi Shraga Kallus gives us chizuk as we begin the new zman, with a beautiful lesson he internalized from the recent Yom Tov of Sukkos.