GYE Chizuk Broadcast #262
Rabbi Yaacov Laredo. The Boost in a Nutshell: They say that every trait can be used for the good, but is this true for LAZINESS as well? Our sages tell us that if the opportunity to sin comes a...
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #264
LO SASURU: Is a man allowed to look at a woman who is not his wife? Rabbi Zamir Cohen teaches us the Halachos in a nutshell, and also expounds on the great benefits enjoyed in THIS world by those w...
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #267
The Heights of Teshuvah. Why does the Bal Teshuvah stand even higher than the Tzadik? Rabbi Yaacov Laredo explains.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #268
Living in the Now: Rabbi Daniel Coren asks why Chazal compare the first nisayon of Avraham Avinu (lech lecha) to the huge nisayon of the Akeida. The answer can change your life!
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #272
Rabbi Yaacov Laredo on "What Constitutes a Chassid?" The saying goes: "A dead fish goes with the flow".
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #281
"Whose Thoughts are Those??" - Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier: Do you ever feel the Yetzer Hara is who you really are?
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #283
Double Whammy: Rabbi Yitzchak Feigenbaum speaks about the difficulty of shmiras einayim, and yet, why it's so worth it!
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #284
Why was Hashem sure Yitzchak wouldn't sin?
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #287
Doing What's Right: Rabbi Shay Tahan: Our actions often don't determine the results. We can only do what's right and leave the rest to Hashem.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #288
The Harder the Better: Rav Yosef Palacci brings a story from the Chafetz Chaim to encourage us to appreciate davka when the struggle is hard.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #291
Blessing Through Adversity. Rabbi YY Jacobson. Do we come out of our struggles bruised or blessed?
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #292
Satan's Biggest Trick: Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi. What's the proper attitude after a fall?
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #293
"Va'yima'en" - And He Refused. Rabbi YY Jacobson: How can we empower our children with the inner strength to withstand temptation?
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #294
FIGHTING THROUGHOUT THE NIGHT - Rabbi Shraga Kallus: What mussar can we learn from the following Halacha of Chanukah: "If one lights the Menorah properly and it gets extinguished before 30 minutes,...
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GYE Chizuk Broadcast #302
THAT'S DISGUSTING! - Rabbi Efraim Stauber: Is it really possible to develop an abhorrence to look at things we shouldn't?
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #304
DOUBLE DECKER BUS ON THE SCALE: Rabbi Avi Wiesenfeld. The Toldos Aharon Rebbe describes how our shmiras einayim can actually save lives!
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #306
CASHING IN ON THE BILLION DOLLAR INDUSTRY: Rabbi Shraga Kallus: The darkness seems never-ending, but that's the very reason we can be zoche to much more!
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #307
TURN ON THE LIGHTS: Rabbi Efem Goldberg, in a shiur on Messilas Yesharim, speaks about taking stock and avoiding obstacles through the lense of the Ramchal.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #311
MESSAGES FROM HASHEM: Rav Yisroel Brog tells over a story where we can see clearly how physical and spiritual tikkunim (fixing) are directly linked.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #312
WHY WE HAVE A YETZER HARA: Rav Shalom Arush. Why did Hashem give us a Yetzer Hara, and what does He expect from us if we anyways can't beat it without His help?
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #314
HOW LONG DOES TESHUVAH TAKE? The Lubavitcher Rebbe speaks about how one true thought of Teshuvah can turn someone into a Tzadik Gamur, regardless of his past!
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #317
AND THEY GAVE LIFE TO THE CHILDREN: Rabbi Yitzchak Feigenbaum: If someone asks you to do or look at something you shouldn't, what does that tell you?
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #319
CHODESH SHVAT: Rabbi Daniel Coren: Thirsting for Torah drives away the Yetzer Hara!
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #321
CLEAN MINDS: Rabbi Yaakov Rahimi: Unclean thoughts taint our holy acts as well. How can we keep our minds clean?
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #322
LEAVING MITZRAYIM: Rabbi Mordechai Finkelman: We remember Yetziyas Mitzrayim every day because we are commanded to lift ourselves above the physical temptations that surround us.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #324
"AND HASHEM HARDENED PHARAOHS HEART": Rabbi Shmuel Zucker: When we understand that it's only Hashem who makes it seem hard, we can strengthen ourselves to overcome the Yetzer Hara!
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GYE Chizuk Broadcast #333
GYE Broadcast #333 - LESSONS FROM THE OLYMPICS - Rabbi Shraga Kallus: Success takes years of hard work with many bumps along the way, but it's not "the gold or nothing"!
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #334
TEHILLIM DURING SHOVAVIM - Rabbi Yisroel Simcha Schorr: There's nothing like the sweet words of Tehillim to help us do Teshuvah and bring us closer to Hashem.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #336
CFC: Connoisseur Focus Counterfeit - Rabbi Daniel Coren: How do we figure out what's counterfeit pleasure and what's real pleasure? Learn to become a connoisseur of pleasure.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #337
WE'RE PROGRAMMED FOR PLEASURE - Rabbi Noach Weinberg: R' Noach speaks about what real pleasure is all about. See https://bit.ly/2DKw4my for his famous dissertation on the five levels of pleasure.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #338
WHO'S THE BOSS? The Yetzer Hara tries to convince us that he's running the show, but who is really holding the key?
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #344
EMBRACING CHALLENGES - Rabbi Yosef Palacci: Shmiras Einayim is hard, right? Awesome! That means Hashem is handing us an incredible opportunity!
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #346
OXEN & TESHUVAH - Lubavitcher Rebbe: What can we learn about Teshuvah from the Halachos of Tam and Mu'ad (goring oxen)?
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #348
TO SEE THE SHECHINAH - Rabbi Avrohom Krohn: How can we merit to see Hashem's presence?
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #349
GYE Broadcast #349 - PURIM KATAN - LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS: Yaakov Nadel, GYE Co-Founder: What was the root of Haman's evil, and ultimately the very cause of his downfall?
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #351
GYE Broadcast #351 - ROMAIN LETTUCE: Rabbi Yosef Palacci: If we'd internalize that looking at things we shouldn't is like poison for our Neshamot, would we struggle as much?
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #352
IN A WHEELCHAIR - Rabbi Shraga Kallus: Wouldn't life be better if we could just look at whatever we wanted?
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #354
THE KIYOR HAD NO MEASUREMENT - Rabbi Elimelech Biderman: The smallest deed for purity defies measurement!
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #357
THE ANGEL'S REBUKE - Rabbi Maimon Elbaz: How can we protect ourselves from the inevitable infiltration of the outside world?
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #358
HEAVY-LIFTING VS. UPLIFTING: The Holy Noam Elimelech teaches us a beautiful attitude to dealing with desires.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #359
WHAT'S EXPECTED FROM US: Rabbi Moshe Weinberger: Is Shmiras Einayim and Shmiras Habris something you really CARE about?
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #360
GYE Broadcast #360 - THE LOWLY ON TOP: Rabbi David Ashear: In the upper worlds, they don't judge by results.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #363
THE ONLY WAY HASHEM WILL HELP: Yaakov Nadel, GYE Co-Founder: An inspiring and powerful excerpt from a talmid of the Magid of Mezritch about desire.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #365
THE INNER PEACE THAT PURITY BRINGS - Rabbi Dror Moshe Cassouto: When we're not slaves to our desires the quality of our lives is on an entirely different plane.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #368
HOW TO GET THROUGH A HARD NISAYON: What can we do if we're hit with an unexpected test that feels almost impossible to overcome?
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #370
TODAY'S SEUDAS ACHASHVEIROSH - Rav Eliyahu Schneider: If Achashveirosh's Seudah was today, frum people would never go - right? ...Or would we?