GYE Chizuk Broadcast #357
THE ANGEL'S REBUKE - Rabbi Maimon Elbaz: How can we protect ourselves from the inevitable infiltration of the outside world?
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #358
HEAVY-LIFTING VS. UPLIFTING: The Holy Noam Elimelech teaches us a beautiful attitude to dealing with desires.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #359
WHAT'S EXPECTED FROM US: Rabbi Moshe Weinberger: Is Shmiras Einayim and Shmiras Habris something you really CARE about?
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #360
GYE Broadcast #360 - THE LOWLY ON TOP: Rabbi David Ashear: In the upper worlds, they don't judge by results.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #363
THE ONLY WAY HASHEM WILL HELP: Yaakov Nadel, GYE Co-Founder: An inspiring and powerful excerpt from a talmid of the Magid of Mezritch about desire.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #365
THE INNER PEACE THAT PURITY BRINGS - Rabbi Dror Moshe Cassouto: When we're not slaves to our desires the quality of our lives is on an entirely different plane.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #368
HOW TO GET THROUGH A HARD NISAYON: What can we do if we're hit with an unexpected test that feels almost impossible to overcome?
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #370
TODAY'S SEUDAS ACHASHVEIROSH - Rav Eliyahu Schneider: If Achashveirosh's Seudah was today, frum people would never go - right? ...Or would we?
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #373
THE SECRET OF SIMCHAH: How can Hashem ask of us to be happy? It's something we either feel or we don't!
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #375
THE SYMBOLISM OF THE BRIT: Judaism understands the power of this drive and guides us on keeping it in check.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #377
THE LESS YOU LOOK: So many people ask, "What can we do that we live in such a promiscuous world?" Turns out, Chazal give us a simple answer.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #380
ARE WE COGNIZANT? We live in such a confusing generation, let's be vigilant!
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #384
WHY'S HE MADE OF EYES? Rabbi Maimon Elbaz: What's the main tool in the Yetzer Hara's arsenal, and how can we protect ourselves?
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #385
A SPECIAL TIKKUN FOR P'GAM HABRIT: It might be hard to get up a little earlier, but when you hear this, how can you NOT?
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #387
Rabbi Daniel Coren:* What does Rabbi Coren think is the most powerful Rashi in all of Shas?
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #390
DOG FOOD: We can only leave Mitzrayim when we understand that we're inherently different than the Egyptians.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #393
TAKING A STAND : Standing up to those things that enslave us seems hard at first, but it's actually freeing!
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #396
NO CHOMETZ TO CLEAN?: What does Hashem want to teach us with the mitzva of being "chometz free" on Pesach?
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #397
CLEAN SLATE - Rabbi Dovid Schoonmaker: Pesach is a time where Hashem doesn't have any prejudgments about us. Our nation was born even from within the 49th level of impurity.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #399
THE SECRET TO WISDOM - Rabbi Avrohom Krohn: When does Hashem give a person wisdom?
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #401
SATAN BEFORE AND AFTER - PSHAT 2 - Rabbi Yitzchak Feigenbaum: In boost 301 (gyeboost.org/archives/303) Rabbi Feigenbaum shared with us a beautiful pshat on this teffilah. Here he shares a second I...
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #403
HOW WE IDENTIFY OURSELVES - Rabbi Shmuel Reichman: The power of speech and accountability to help us view ourselves differently.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #404
HUMAN VS ANIMAL - Rabbi Elimelech Biderman: What differentiates a human from an animal? An anecdote from Rav Shalom Shvadron Zatza"l.
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GYE Chizuk Broadcast #432
REMEMBERING OUR LEARNING - Rabbi Avrohom Krohn: What's the secret to understanding and retaining the Torah we learn?
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #458
HOW WE IDENTIFY OURSELVES - PART 2: The way we see ourselves influences how we act - and vice versa. (See here for part 1: gyeboost.org/archives/409).
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #60
Rabbi Moshe Weinberger explains why a true leader can't be perfect.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #62
Searching for the Jug of Oil: Rabbi YY Jacobson exhorts us to never stop searching for the jug of pure oil in our lives.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #67
Make sure you're wearing your good pants! R' Sholom Rubashkin's son shares an important insight which can help us hold back from forbidden temptations.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #72
The Job of Our Generation: Rabbi Moshe Weinberger movingly admonishes (with tears!) the elitist mentality of those who look down upon others who stumble in these areas.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #73
The Start of Shovavim: Rabbi Daniel Coren encourages us to make good use of these special weeks.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #76
"Shmiras Einayim Kept Me Going": R' Shalom Mordechai Rubashkin speaks about the damage we do to our eyes and minds when we watch non-Jewish movies.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #78
Shovavim - Getting out of Mitzrayim: Rav Yisroel Brog explains why this time of year is mesugal to work on these inyanim.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #81
They can't imprison our minds: R' Shalom Mordechai Rubashkin speaks about keeping our minds out of prison, and he suggests launching a movement called "I Put My iPhone Away" for the zechus of the N...
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #82
The Myriads of Excuses: Shovavim is a time where ANYONE can work on these things. There are no excuses!
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #87
What's wrong with pornography? Rabbi Mordechai Becher shares insights into what Tumah really means.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #90
Getting Up Off the Floor - Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier explains how champions are made.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #92
A Battle-Strategy Work-Out: Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit shares a strategy from Rabbeinu Yona on how to strengthen our spiritual muscles and learn to say NO to unwanted desires.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #93
You Can Get Out: Rav Yisroel Brog speaks about fighting the Yetzer Hara.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #96
Saving Our Imagination: R' Shalom Mordechai Rubashkin speaks about the power of using our imagination for Kedusha and suggests how we can preserve it.
GYE Chizuk Broadcast #98
Rabbi YY Jacobson shares with us the chiddush of the Beinoni. Hashem doesn't expect us to be holistically holy, we are not in control of our moods, but we ARE in control of how we react.
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