"I am a Jew because"
Are you proud of your Jewishness?
# - Rabbi Ari Neuwirth - Quién controla a quién
Conviértete en el baal de tus deseos.
# - Rabbi Avi Slansky - Y Yaakov se quedó solo [Vaishlaj]
La historia de Yaakov es la historia de nuestras vidas.
# - Rabbi Label Lam - Somos los protagonistas
Somos las estrellas de nuestra propia película.
# - Rabbi Meir Simja Sperling - Eres una persona increíble
Enfócate en lo bueno de ti mismo y de los demás.
# - Rabbi Tzvi Sytner - Los altibajos
La vida es un constante subir y bajar.
# - Rabbi Uri Yehuda Greenspan - Los trucos del yetzer hará
Debemos saber cómo trabaja el yetzer hará para no ser víctimas de sus trampas.
# - Rabbi Yaakov Rahimi - Acceso VIP
Un hijo de Hashem siempre será un hijo de Hashem.
# - Rabbi Yaakov Rahimi - Solo hazlo
De la festividad de Pesaj aprendemos que podemos hacerlo rápido y apresuradamente.
# - Rabbi Yehoshua Nissan - Nuestra ayuda viene de Hashem
Solo con la ayuda de Hashem lo lograremos.
# - Rabbi YY Jacobson - Mi tikún personal
Rav Jacobson nos da una idea de cuál es nuestra misión personal.
#01 Video - Dealing With Failure
David Hamelech (King David), when he was king of Israel, said to Hashem bechanani (test me). And Hashem said I will test you, but it's going to be an incredibly difficult test. The test in fact was in the area of arayos (illicit relations). The Navi (Prophets) tells us that David told his guard t...
#02 Video - The SIT Diet
When my wife had our first child, she went on the SIT Diet. Not everyone knows what this diet is, but basically it's quite simple. You take a large wedge of chocolate cake in this hand, you take a diet coke in the other hand, you say the words I'm so fat, I'm so fat, I'm so fat, you consume the e...
#03 Video - A Diamond With a Flaw
I want you to imagine that in my hands I'm holding two diamonds. In my right hand is a 10 carat beautiful diamond with a slight flaw, but a beautiful, beautiful diamond. In my left hand is a 10 carat diamond, but absolutely flawless, internally, externally, a perfect diamond. If I would have aske...
#04 Video - Knowing How to Count
I have a personal guarantee that I'd like to share with you. If you are working on any area in life, be it anger, be it arrogance, be it davening (praying) with kavanah (concentration), be it tayvah (lust), I guarantee that you're going to fall down many times. You'll set goals and you'll fail; y...
#05 Video - Don't Think About a Pink Elephant
Lo sasuru acharei eineichem (do not veer after your eyes). The Gemara (Talmud) tells us what this means is if a man looks at a woman for the person of being neheneh (enjoying) in a sexual manner, he violates a lo sa'asei (negative commandment) in the Torah. It's very important to understand what ...
#06 Video - Using Powerful Techniques
A fellow once called me up that he was working with a young man who had an irrepressible desire for a particular woman, a married woman. He couldn't help it, he constantly would see her, wherever it may be, and he couldn't stop thinking about her. He couldn't get her out of his mind. He was a fru...
#07 Video - Two Parts to Man's Soul
If you want to work on desire, you have to fundamentally understand yourself. And to do that you have to understand the way your Creator fashioned you and formed you. The Chovos Halevavos in Sha'ar Avodas Elokim explains that when Hashem made the human He took two diverse parts and put them toget...
#08 Video - How to Lose Like a Winner
Every coach is focused on how to win. Every athlete always focuses on how do I win the battle, how do I win the fight. I'd like to teach you how to lose. And the way you lose is you lose like a winner. What that means in plain, simple language is that I don't care how dedicated you are, I don't c...
#09 Video - Learning How to Take a Punch
When I was a young man I was learning in blatt shiur (Talmud lecture) and the Rosh Yeshiva zatzal encouraged us greatly to create mussar vaadim. What's a mussar va'ad? A mussar va'ad is a small group of young men, typically the same age, and each week one fellow would present. It would be a chidd...
#10 Video - Getting Up Off the Floor
Coaches have a criterion to determine whether a girl has what it takes to be a world champion. And what they say is that criterion is how many times is a young woman willing to fall on the ice and get back up again.
#11 Video - For Married Men
If you're married, and you're struggling with this issue, there is a technique that is very beneficial and is to be encouraged. You should have an image of your wife in your mind in a position that you consider desirous, and have that image in your mind ready and available.
#12 Video - The One Gemara You Don't Know
There is one Gemara that the Soton (Satan) absolutely, completely, totally does not want you to know. It's a Gemara in Makos 23b that says the following: "Kol hayosheiv velo avar aveirah," any person who didn't commit a sin, "nosnim lo sechar," they give him reward, "k'oseh mitzvah,” as if he did...
#13 Video - Your Best Friend
The Gemara (Talmud) in Sukkah tells us "l'asid lavo,” at the end of days, Hakadosh Baruch Hu (The Holy One, blessed be He) will take the yetzer hara (evil inclination), will take the Soton (Satan), "v'shachto," Hashem will kill him, "befnei hatzadikim ub'fnei haresha'im," in front of the righteou...
#14 Video - Voices In Your Head
Here's a question that requires understanding. If you ever get to a point where you're really serious about working on yourself, really serious about conquering desire, you'll start noticing some funny things. It's almost like there are forces working against you. And the reality is that that is ...
#15 Video - The First Step - I Am Powerless
If you get a chance to read Alcoholics Anonymous' Big Book, you'll find the first of the 12 Steps clearly described there: To recognize that I am powerless. To give myself over to my higher power, because I am powerless to stop this behavior.
#16 Video - Dumb Deer
When I would drive with my children, I would often point out interesting things along the side of the road to them. And often I'd be observing things to point out to them. We were driving at dusk, sort of twilight one night, and up ahead I saw a deer. And I was just about to say to my children lo...
#17 Video - A Victory With A But
Hashem said to Avraham "lech lecha mei'artzecha mimoladetecha, mibeis avicha," leave your birthplace. And Avraham leaves the place of his birth, he goes to Eretz Cana'an. No sooner does he get there then there's a famine, specifically in the land. It was a test, a test to see if Avraham will ques...
#18 Video - But I Caused This Mess
Every once in a while you may say to yourself how could I possibly face Hashem when I've created such a deep pit? And even more than that, how could you possibly tell me that I'm given reward for controlling myself when I created this desire. When I was younger I didn't have it. If I didn't read ...
#19 Video - Tricks of the Soton
We, who were brought up in Western Civilization, with modern thought, with the scientific method, are very reluctant and very uncomfortable with certain concepts. One of those concepts is that there are forces in the world that Hashem created with specific purposes. One of those forces is a malac...
01 - GYE Boost Launch Promo
With pritzus all around us we can sometimes feel like we're drowning. Don't wait to go under, get help today with a short boost of inspiration each day! Sign up at gyeboost.org
01 - GYE Chizuk Broadcast
Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski speaks about what having a "Good Eye" really means.
01 About GYE (Full)
This 8.45 min video describes how GuardYourEyes helps thousands of people around the world to break free from inappropriate materials and related behaviors. Watch the video to get a clear overview of all our tools, methods and services.
01 How Does A Homeless Man Spend $100
One of the most inspiring videos I've ever seen about focusing outward. "You're on a different path somehow in life... I can't explain it." - Homeless man.
01 Our Children and the Digital World
A powerful video created in conjunction with the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation about the dangers of technology, addiction and parenting in the digital age.
01 Protecting our Children (English subtitles)
The 'Protecting our Children' party, headed by Yechezkel Stelzer, CEO of GYE, ran in the Israeli elections in 2013 and 2015. This video montage (under 5 min) shows the wide exposure that Yechezkel was able to get to push public opinion in favor of better internet filtering laws to protect children.
01 SSA Q&A Video 1/8
Why do I have SSA (Same Sex Attraction)?
01 The Blessings of Porn Addiction
A powerful personal story that will instill any addict with the courage to reach out for help.
01 The Mystery of the Jews
This video will make you so proud to be a Jew, and gain a new appreciation for the great gift of the Torah that we have been given by G-d. Made by simpletoremember.com
01 We Need To Talk....
Many people think they can enjoy porn and not get addicted. "It won't happen to me", they say.
01 אנחנו חייבים לדבר
אני יכול להנות מצפיה בדברים לא נאותים. אני לא יתמכר
01_Emuna Presentation, Part 1
These talks are a project of the Ani Maamin foundation which helps spread Emunah among today's youth in schools across the U.S. The talks were given by R' Avi Landa, a Mashgiach and psychotherapist in Baltimore.